vrijdag 19 september 2008

Welcome at the AGM

The AGM - Annual General Meeting - is the place where the eCAADe council presents what we have been doing in the past year. It is also an occasion for the conference visitor - you - to announce activities or other news that you would like to share with your fellows. So you are kindly invited to attend the AGM and step forward if you have a message. If you have a slide or something that you'd like to show, please contact me and I'll put it in the AGM presentation.

Additionally, during the AGM we hand out the Ivan Petrovic Award for best presentation by a young researcher!

See you at the AGM (and before, of course)
Henri Achten

Conference dinner - ship ahoj!

Yesterday evening we enjoyed a great conference dinner on the Flandria. Most of the time we were below deck as it was a bit chilly too stay outside for too long. Marc arranged for a wonderful meal which we enjoyed while 'cruising' through the harbour and the docks.
I am not sure what Marc has planned for tomorrow, because afterwards we all received an official Artesis wind-proof umbrella...
[Henri Achten]